About Security Innovation

Software connects the modern world.
Let’s make it secure.

Stop inching forward…

Everyone wants to solve cybersecurity software challenges and go beyond reactive (but necessary) stopgaps. However, most security providers just find problems and don’t identify root cause or provide prescriptive remediation guidance.

Software runs the modern world. For over 20 years, we’ve helped global clients  build, release and deploy secure software applications and get smarter about software security.  As a pioneer in the field,  we have a long history of firsts, including:

  • published the industry’s first public methodology for software security titled How to Break Software Security
  • original member of the Microsoft SDL  (security development lifecycle) pro partner network
  • created the first commercially available AppSec focused cyber range

We continually work to discover and overcome the latest security threats with our tech-focused Centers of Excellence and integrate this knowledge into every assessment we conduct.

A Passion & Reputation for Application Security Experts

We’ve been making the use of software safer in the most challenging environments – whether in Web applications, IoT devices, or the cloud.  What a rush!

We are well-known experts proud to brandish a few of our credentials:

  • Gartner Cool Vendor and 6x Gartner Magic Quadrant designations
  • High ratings for Glassdoor and Gartner Peer Insights (4.8 out of 5)
  • Co-authored international API Security standards for the Petroleum Retail Industry
  • Serviced one-third of the Fortune 100 companies
  • Routinely present at leading security conferences such as RSA Conference, Blackhat, Defcon, and others
  • Staff hold 100+ accreditations including Apple and Barracuda Network Hall of Famers,
  • Privacy by Design Ambassadors, Microsoft MVPs for Security, and Ponemon Institute fellows
  • Authors of 18 books, including 10 co-authored with Microsoft
  • Co-inventors of the widely adopted STRIDE and DREAD software threat management techniques
  • Security partner to the Microsoft Azure and Amazon AWS teams, helping secure their platforms
  • Provided expert testimony for Congressional hearings and state court cases



Over the past 20 years, Security Innovation has won over 50 industry awards at the company, executive, and solution levels.

Gold – Best Cybersecurity Education Provider 2020

2020 CyberSecurity Gold Award logo

Our unique approach to skills assessment and development earned us the top spot.

Silver – Best Cybersecurity Company 2020

2020 Cybersecurity Silver Award logo

A blended training approach with unrivaled cloud security expertise earned us the silver award.

CMD + CTRL Cyber Range, Application Security 2020

Fortress CyberSecurity Award - 2020

One of only 41 companies awarded – and for our sweet spot of “Application Security.”

CMD+CTRL Cyber Range, Technology 2021

Big-INNOVATION-2021 CMD+CTRL Cyber Range Technology

CMD+CTRL earned gold – the third BIG award the company has received.

Gartner Cool Vendor

Gartner Cool Vendor

We earned this prestigious industry award for our cool factor
… that innovation continues today.

Gartner Magic Quadrant

Gartner Magic Quadrant

Visionary and leader designations for 6 years in a row

Mirror Review

Mirror Review

Ed Adams, the CEO, was selected as one of the 10 most prominent personalities in the security industry.

SC Media Reboot Leadership Award 2019

SC Media Reboot Leadership Award 2019

Endorsed by Dr. Larry Ponemon and CSO of Citrix, Ed Adams, CEO, won this leadership award.

Security Innovation has earned a reputation for being a trusted security advisor by delivering world-class products and services over the past decade. This is reflected keenly in their training solutions, which help organizations build a culture of security.

Stan Black,
CSO of Lattice Security

Security Innovation has been one of my favorite, trustworthy go-to resources during my Cyber career, especially AppSec. I appreciate their organizational/technology leadership and quality workmanship!

Sivaram Rajagopalan,
Global Product Security,
Smith & Nephew

In the overlapping worlds of security and software development, Security Innovation may stand alone

Jon Oltsik,
Principal Analyst,
@Enterprise Strategy Group